Station:  Station: 
Name  Name  Holger 'Geri' Kinzel
IARU Locator  IARU locator JO52BH
Lat/Long  Lat/Long  52o18'N, 10o09'E
Stadt  Town  Peine, near Hannover
Sendeleistung  Tx power  350 Watts output, leading to an 
ERP of  approximately 300 mW 
Antenne  Aerial  18m vertical umbrella-antenna 
with 5 top-load radials
Weitester Kontakt  Furthest contact  2- way: OH3LYG, 1317 km
1-way (RX): VE1ZZ, 5278 km
Ich sende häufig:  I often transmit: 
Samstags/Sonntags  Saturday/Sunday  in the morning (7-10 UTC)
Montag-Freitag Monday-Friday in the evening (17-19 UTC)
Frequenz  Frequency  137.690 kHz, slow CW 
136.000 to 137.000 CW
137.500 kHz, PSK31, RTTY
Betriebsart  Mode  CW (A1A), slow-CW, PSK31, RTTY
Typische Punktlaenge  Typical dot length  3 seconds 
Kontakt über Contact via  packet radio:


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Stand am  Info correct to  October 2001
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