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This is how Sam, RN6BN saw my Slow-HELL signals
from a distance of 2242 km!



to the homepage of Holger 'Geri', DK8KW (W1KW) .I have collected some information on the new amateur radio longwave band between 135.7 and 137.8 kHz. SeveralEuropean authorities have allocated this band to the amateur radioservice based on the CEPT/ERC Recommendation 62-01 E (Mainz 1997). Besides this, certain British stations may usethe frequency range between 71.4 and 74.4 kHz . There is also an experimental allocation of a range between 8.9 and 9.0 kHz inGermany, available with a special license. A range of 7.0 to 8.5 kHz wasallocatedin Sweden on request. Other countries do not require a licensefor frequencies below 9 kHz.

I will update this page from time to time, whenever I have got something new.

[back to top] LF Operating Practices (135.700 - 137.800 kHz)
Bandplan Inofficial Bandplan for 135.700-137.800 kHz
Slow CW (QRSS) An introduction for Newcomers
Slow CW Sensitivity A quick practical analysis shows the 20 dB signal advantage that Slow-CWhas over normal (aural) CW
Kleines Vademekum für LF Eine LF Einführung, geschrieben von Peter, DJ8WL (sk) 
Ein Band für Geduldige - SlowCW und der Sonnenaufgang auf Langwelle Artikel für Newcomer von DK8KW 
Slow Voice is a new way to transmit compressed audio within a limitedbandwidth under 250 Hz
[back to top] VLF (Ham Radio below 9 kHz)
Special licenses for 8.9 to 9.0 kHz were issued to German hams
Radiation of earthelectrodes theoretical background about the radiation of earth electrodes, writtenby Markus, DF6NM
[back to top] DK8KW LF and MF activity
LF Logbook stations I heard or saw up to now on the longwave band or stationsthat heard or saw me
Locator Map a map of the locator sqaures that I have worked on LF (needs to beupdated)
Spectrogram Pictures some Spectrogram Picturesof stations I received between 137.600 and137.800 kHz.
Signal strength signal strength observations made during my QSOs depict the QRP situationof the DL LF hams (which now fortunately has canged, a special 1 W ERPlicense is available for everyone!)
73 kHz/136 kHz crossband well documented observations made by Markus, DF6NM depicting the first73 kHz/136 kHz crossband QSOs G/DL
My LF station Details of the station that I use onthe 135.7-137.8 kHz band
Field strength profile A field strength profile I took of my sation shows an ERP of only 30mW (also this has changed in the meantime, with 350 Watts output I getan ERP now of approximately 300 mW)
Selective Level Meters selective Level Meters MV61 and MV62 can be used as excellent receiver for VLF and LF
DDS VFO a DDS VFO based on  the AD9850 chip
DEBEG 7172 The DEBEG 7172 is a Mediumwave Transmitter that possiblycan be convertedto LF (or can be used for a future 500 kHz amateur radioband?)
Teletron Longwave Receiver

LWF45 LF receiver from the late 60ties makes an excellent pre-amlifierfor LF

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DK8KW MF Activity

DI2BO DI2BO is an experimental radio station operating on 440 kHz. Also Walter, DJ2LF operates an experimental station on the same frequency under the callsign DI2AG.

LF Activity (Utility Stations)
LF "Beacon"Stations Information on stations that can be used as propagation indicators for LF, such as DCF39, the Greek RTTY station and the 137 kHz RTTY station CFH from Halifax in Canada
E(M)RP of DCF39 DCF39 has an E(M)RP of 40 kW as measured by Gamal and meon April 8,2000
LF Utility Stations10-100 kHz LF Utility Station List 10-100 kHz, from the Packet Radio Network (compiledby ZL4ALI)
LF Utility Stations 110-148 kHz LF Utility Station List 110-148 kHz, compiled by Marco, IK1ODO
Field strength of DCF39 Long term field strength measurment of DCF39, carried out by Vaino,OH2LX
Field Strength of HBG75 Field Strength Anomaly of HBG75 on 75 kHzduringthe August 11, 1999 Eclipse
NDB Galveston GLS NDB Galveston GLS on 206 kHz, some information and a picture of theumbrella antenna
VLF/LF timesignals VLF/LF time signal information (external link)
[back to top] Useful Information
dBm to dBu toVoltage a table that helps to convert dBm to dBu to Voltage and to S-units,and to get an idea about the signal strengths
Backgound noise chart of the backgound noise recorded over 24 hours at my QTH
Calibration of receiving equipment some considerations to calibrate receiving equipment to read fieldstrength in dBµV/m (thanks to Dick, PA0SE andMarkus, DF6NM)
"Fernempfang" a Poem in German Language
Finbar's Dream EI0CF describes his plans for an improved setup

RingSurf AmateurRadio World Ring Owned by
DK8KW LongwaveInformation
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